Do you find yourself WISHING you could get more plant-based meals in your life?
Have you become tired of the same ol’ boring side dishes night after night, HOPING for something exciting that will taste good without searching the internet for hours only to get a bad recipe?
Would you love to WOW your friends and family with an amazing appetizer at the next get together?
Are you juggling kids and a busy life, just looking for a QUICK way to get something healthier on the table to feed your family?
Do you LOVE walking around the farmers market, but have no clue – and are somewhat intimidated – by those some of those unique, seasonal fruits and veggies that you may have never seen before?
Can you identify with any of the above? I did. That’s why I created This Season’s Table, a resource to help share fresh recipe ideas to help incorporate more seasonal produce and plant-based meals onto our plates without spending all day in the kitchen.
At This Season’s Table, we learn all about the fruits and veggies that are in season, finding unique ways to use them. For example, did you know that cooking a radish can completely transform it into an irresistible little butter bomb? Or that collard greens make the most amazing little burrito wraps for the perfect lunch? You may be interested to know that steaks are not just made from meat anymore, pizzas can be sweet, and gourmet restaurant style treats can be good for you and in a bowl in 5 minutes or less.
If you want to get more out of your produce, join with me today to get fun, easy recipe inspiration sent directly to you – for FREE!

Hello – I am so glad you are here! My name is Tiffany and I live in a little beach town on the east coast of central Florida with my husband Kevin, son Noah and our furry kitchen helper, Emma. Growing up in Florida, I come from a family with deep southern Georgia roots. I was taught that salt pork and a little-fried coating on everything makes it taste better and can whip up some pretty tasty southern treats without even thinking about it. But where is the challenge in that?! Over time, I became passionate about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, like making better food choices and choosing the right portions to eat. I strive to eat as plant-based as possible, but you will see recipes that use meat and dairy as well as some treats that some would consider a “cheat meal” but I consider living a little. I also LOVE supporting my local farmers and eating seasonal produce, so I am always coming up with fun new ways to incorporate fresh fruits and veggies into our meals. As a mom and full-time CT Technologist, I don’t have a ton of time to devote to my kitchen, so quick, easy and flavorful are my three new favorite words (there is a whole community of us over here at EASY RECIPES FOR BUSY MAMAS!). This site is dedicated as a learning tool and resource for how to use seasonal ingredients…the best kind to give your body the maximum benefits. We will take my southern rooted recipes and learn how to make a healthier version without losing that awesome flavor. So come on in, grab a cup of coffee and join me at my table!
Want to know more about me?
- I am currently working on finishing my bachelors degree at UCF in Health Information Management and Informatics.
- I live in the cutest little historic home very close to downtown, where my husband and I take walks down to the local brewery.
- Vintage is my jam! Keep your eye out for upcoming posts from our Vintage Vault which will bring back some awesome forgotten recipes and hacks from the past.
- While I eat vegetarian and vegan style meals several times throughout the week, I found through trial and error that my body desperately needs meat occasionally to function at it’s best, so you will see a mix up of recipes on here for that reason.
- I have a serious love affair with fried okra, although I have recently started eating it raw and now have another love affair happening with fresh okra.
- I can cross one eye and keep one straight.
- I solo flew a glider airplane when I was 14 years old. Ironically, I am terrified of flying today.
- I have had a passion for cooking since I was little, and the first thing I cooked alone was Spaghetti. Lots and Lots of spaghetti. Apologies to my parents and little sister…
- When I am not making a mess in the kitchen, you can find me working with patients at my hospital job as a CT Technologist. I am also trained to start PICC lines and ultrasound-guided IV’s. If you have any IV start questions, send me an email and I’ll give you some awesome tips!
- Some of my favorite things are snuggling with my sweet baby boy, cuddling any animal I can get my hands on, taking pictures of everything, learning about Jesus, spending time with my favorite people, creative writing, vacations in the mountains, bubbly drinks in cute tall wine glasses, paddleboarding, sipping bellinis in little garden style restaurants, BRUNCH!, blueberry pancakes on Saturday morning, walking on the beach, riding my bike around town, farmers markets, the Lumineers Pandora radio station, and teaching people how to incorporate healthy eating into their life.